Monday, 9 February 2015

u1 vocabulary notebook

  1. My father drives really badly 
  2. My best friend can be very mean 
  3. My boss is extremely rude person 
  4. I was pretty happy in school
  1.  I have pretty quite voice
  2. My mother is extremely unclaimed
  3. I'm usually late for appointments
  4. My brother eats very slowly
  5. I think English is easy
  6. My sister and i have different tastes
  1. patient - impatient
  2. honest - dishonest
  3. friendly - unfriendly
  4. competent - incompetent
  5. organized - disorganized
  6. healthy - unhealthy
  7. reliable - unreliable
  8. considerate - inconsiderate
On your own
  • She is very kind
  • She drives really well 
  • Her cook talent is incredibly
  • She is extremely demanding
  • She is most beautiful in the world
  • She is very arrogant
  • She always yelling to me
  • But she is very respectful
  • I think her studying talent is very bad
  • She is the second beautiful in the world
  • He is incredibly honest
  • He looks so healthy
  • I think He is very kind and respectful
  • He is the most strong man in the world

шинэ үг

  1. attend -санаа тавих
  2. reckless - болчимгүй
  3. honk -  чагнаалдах
  4. horn - чагнаал
  5. (im)patient - тэвчээртэй
  6. interrupt - тасалдал
  7. assignment - даалгавар
  8. deadline - сүүлийн хугацаа
  9. compare - харьцуулах
  10. response - хариу үйлдэл
  11. terrible - аймшигтай
  12. proper - зохистой
  13. appropriate - зохимжтой
  14. rude - бүдүүлэг
  15. encourage - зоригжуулах
  16. demand - шаардах
  17. easy-going - амгалан
  18. humble - даруухан
  19. accomplish - гүйцэлдүүлэх
  20. difficult - хэцүү,бэрх
  21. considerate - санаа тавьх
  22. immediate - ойр дотнын
  23. incredible - ер бусын
  24. extreme - хэтэрхий
  25. fair - шударга
  26. laid-back - араар муулах
  27. (dis)honest - үнэнч
  28.  competitive - өрсөлдөх чадвартай
  29. (un)reliable - найдвартай
  30. humor - хошигнол
  31. arrogant - ихэрхүү
  32. outgoing - нийтэч
  33. basically - угтаа
  34. selfish - хувиа бодсон
  35. proud - бардам
  36. versatile - тал бүрийн авъяастай
  37. polite - эьлдэг
  38. similar - төстэй
  39. improve - сайжруулах
  40. impeccable - өөгүй